VERSÍCULO A MEMORIZAR: «El bueno dejará herederos a los hijos de sus hijos;
Pero la riqueza del pecador está guardada para el justo.» Proverbios 13:22

PASAJE BÍBLICO: Jeremías 35:2 – 11

Ve a casa de los recabitas y habla con ellos, e introdúcelos en la casa de Jehová, en uno de los aposentos, y dales a beber vino.

Tomé entonces a Jaazanías hijo de Jeremías, hijo de Habasinías, a sus hermanos, a todos sus hijos, y a toda la familia de los recabitas;

y los llevé a la casa de Jehová, al aposento de los hijos de Hanán hijo de Igdalías, varón de Dios, el cual estaba junto al aposento de los príncipes, que estaba sobre el aposento de Maasías hijo de Salum, guarda de la puerta.

Y puse delante de los hijos de la familia de los recabitas tazas y copas llenas de vino, y les dije: Bebed vino.

Mas ellos dijeron: No beberemos vino; porque Jonadab hijo de Recab nuestro padre nos ordenó diciendo: No beberéis jamás vino vosotros ni vuestros hijos;

ni edificaréis casa, ni sembraréis sementera, ni plantaréis viña, ni la retendréis; sino que moraréis en tiendas todos vuestros días, para que viváis muchos días sobre la faz de la tierra donde vosotros habitáis.

Y nosotros hemos obedecido a la voz de nuestro padre Jonadab hijo de Recab en todas las cosas que nos mandó, de no beber vino en todos nuestros días, ni nosotros, ni nuestras mujeres, ni nuestros hijos ni nuestras hijas;

y de no edificar casas para nuestra morada, y de no tener viña, ni heredad, ni sementera.

10 Moramos, pues, en tiendas, y hemos obedecido y hecho conforme a todas las cosas que nos mandó Jonadab nuestro padre.

11 Sucedió, no obstante, que cuando Nabucodonosor rey de Babilonia subió a la tierra, dijimos: Venid, y ocultémonos en Jerusalén, de la presencia del ejército de los caldeos y de la presencia del ejército de los de Siria; y en Jerusalén nos quedamos.

INTRODUCTION: A legacy is defined as what we leave behind, to family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, communities. This includes material possessions, our history, belief systems and values (if adopted), business practices, name, reputation and teaching (if useful). It could also be defined as money or property bequeathed to another by will or something handed down from an ancestor or a predecessor or from the past. Legacies are rare and special gifts, from one person to another, from one generation to the next.

As Christians we should seek to leave a lasting legacy of godliness for those who come behind us. The fact is, most of what we do will not last; things we cherish will ultimately perish with the using” (Colossians 2:22). Unless we think seriously about the kind of legacy we are developing, it is likely we will leave nothing worth inheriting.




Passing on to the next generations a legacy with eternal value is far more important than a temporal inheritance of money and property. The single most important legacy you can leave to the next generation is serving the Lord and thereby affecting their generation and thereafter. And the quality of your life in Christ will be one of the major influences upon them. Believers can leave legacies of life skills and faith examples to their children (Proverbs 1:8,9). Christian leaders can also leave positive legacies in the lives of others. You can leave an enduring legacy in many ways:

  1. Set up example of character traits your children should develop. Be consistent with rules and consequences. 1 Timothy 4:12.
  2. Make sure your own choices reflect the teaching of Jesus and the legacy you hope to create. Job 36:10.
  3. Building your life and those whom you influence upon the eternal word or God. Proverbs 30:3-5.
  4. Encourage and inspire them. Hebrews 10:24-25.
  5. Freely give and receive grace and forgiveness. Colossians 3:13.
  6. Winning souls to the Lord. Proverbs 11:30.
  7. Touching the lives of those younger, even much younger, than you with the wisdom the years have given you. Target some young people. Hebrews 13:16.
  8. Love your local church, and do everything in your power to make it a beacon of truth and blessing to your community.
  9. Maintaining godly character and conduct. Proverbs 22:1.
  10. Give out of your time and be available to them.


The following are some of the benefits of leaving a lasting legacy

  1. It impacts the next generation.
  2. Great visions and passion not to die off.
    3 A way of providing for the next generation.
  3. Developing next generation of leaders.
  4. Having a legacy will make you a better leader. It will exert a positive impact on the way you plan and lead and how you communicate and the values you hold.

The characteristics of a godly legacy include:

  1. A positive legacy must be developed. It does not just happen.
  2. Must be worth inheriting.
  3. Legacy is not about celebrating your life or achievements, but maximising the influence you can have in the lives of others so that you know your work for God is not in vain. 1 Corinthains 15:58.
  4. Legacy is not about titles or positions (these do not “make” the leader), but credibility, influence, positive role modelling, passion and integrity.
  5. Legacy is about others “buying into” our beliefs and values and following them when we are not around, because what we leave behind has true worth.

Pass on the best of yourself to those you lead. Set an example.

CONCLUSION: Many leaders assume legacy is something they need to think about later in life. Others do not leave a legacy at all ((those who follow are left to pick up the pieces), or their work and vision quickly dissipate and they are quickly forgotten. Good legacy building starts now. Make your life count. Do it now.


  1. How can believers leave a lasting legacy for generations after them.
  2. Mention the benefits of having a good legacy.

ASSIGNMENT: Mention ten (10) godly legacies which believers can leave behind for their children.